A word (or two) about Washington
1 Comments Published by CBEMN on Monday, November 17, 2008 at 4:41 PM.So I think it is fair to say that everyone had an amazing trip to Washington. I want to thank Emma Hicks for randomly posting about the Sant Ocean Hall. I guess what she might not have known at the time is that I like to take good ideas and literally run with them. You only live once, right? This was my first time in Washington and I was thoroughly impressed. One of the best experiences (well, a close second to Obama anyway), was experiencing this with a group of amazing people. I am starting to compile many of your photos and plan to prepare a proper video (accompanied by a proper soundtrack) but in the meantime, I put together a montage of some of my photos. The music gets redundant and it ends abruptly: stay tuned for something far better that will be a part of a reunion "Pictures and Pitchers" event in January. Thank you all for being great students, and for being so engaged in the learning experiences that this trip provided for us all. -Cathy |
awesome pics ...